Get the Card

Your Xclusives Card® entitles you to up to 35% discounts and refunds at any of our merchants from our network.

You also get a complementary Super Value Voucher Booklet with your card along with access to the Monthly Deals section in the Xclusives App!

Discounts & Refunds
While shopping at any merchant from our network, present your Xclusives Card® to the cashier to receive a discount or refund of up to 35%.
Super Value Vouchers
Your Xclusives membership comes with a complimentary Super Value Vouchers Booklet that offers you additional privilege on top of your Xclusives Card's main privilege.
Access to Monthly Deals
Your Xclusives membership also comes with free access to the Monthly Deals section in the Xclusives App, where you can enjoy additional privileges on a monthly basis!

Just fill in the following form to get your Xclusives Card® now!

One of our representatives will contact you within 48 hours to assist you with your membership

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