How It Works

Become an Xclusives member now and enjoy the following privileges!

Xclusives Card®

Your Xclusives Card® entitles you to up to 35% discounts and refunds at any of our merchants from our network! Just simply present your card while paying at the cashier and, depending on the merchant, you will get either:

  • An instant discount of up to 35%
  • A refund voucher of up to 35% of your total bill (tax excluded) redeemable on your next visit.

*Terms and conditions apply

Xclusives Card®

Your Xclusives Card® entitles you to up to 50% discounts and refunds at any of our merchants from our network! Just simply present your card while paying at the cashier and, depending on the merchant, you will either get:

  • An instant discount of up to 50%
  • A refund voucher of up to 50% of your total bill (tax excluded) redeemable on your next visit.

*Terms and conditions apply

Super Value Vouchers

Your Xclusives membership also comes with a complimentary Super Value Vouchers Booklet that offers you additional privilege on top of your card’s main privilege.

In order to redeem a voucher, just simply present it along with your Xclusives Card while paying at the cashier.

*Terms and conditions apply

Super Value Vouchers

Your Xclusives membership also comes with a complimentary Super Value Vouchers Booklet that offers you additional privilege on top of your card’s main privilege.

In order to redeem a voucher, just simply present it along with your Xclusives Card while paying at the cashier.

*Terms and conditions apply

Xclusives App

The Xclusives App compliments your Xclusives Card®, so be sure to download and utilize it to get the maximum benefit from your Xclusives membership!

Enjoy over 200 additional instant monthly deals exclusive only to Xclusives members!

*Terms and conditions apply

Xclusives App

The Xclusives App compliments your Xclusives Card®, so be sure to download and utilize it to get the maximum benefit from your Xclusives membership!

Enjoy over 200 additional instant monthly deals exclusive only to Xclusives members!

*Terms and conditions apply

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